The Benefits of Tongue and Groove Flooring

The Benefits of Tongue and Groove Flooring

Whether customers are buying oak flooring or pine flooring, tongue and groove is by far and away the most popular edge finish we sell.

Due to the snug fit, tongue and groove flooring prevents draughts and, as the floorboards are interconnected, it further strengthens your solid wood flooring. It’s also useful during installation as it helps to line up the floorboards, making the job that bit easier for either you or your flooring installer.

All of our floorboards are available in either a tongue and groove or straight edge finish (we have a blog post about this type of flooring here) and you can check out our various types of oak flooring and pine flooring below:

Solid Oak Flooring (European Oak)

Solid Oak Flooring (Red Oak)

Solid Pine Flooring (Scandinavian Redwood Pine)

Solid Reclaimed Pitch Pine Flooring (Pitch Pine)

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